Take My Advice
Q: "Hi, I am trying to get into college in the USA. Do you have a list of universities you recommend? Or even tips on how to make my acceptance letter stronger? Is it possible for you to read my recommendation letter?”
A: Ms. Fauth, the college counselor, says:
“This depends on what you want to study and where you want to go. In the US there are tons of different options, and they all offer unique programs based on what you are interested in. It all depends on what you are looking for. You also want to take in mind the size of the university, the location, if they offer internships. You have to look at the whole picture, not just the ranking of the university.
To make your application strong you want a well rounded application. So this includes coursework, which classes you're taking and if you have a difficult schedule and you're taking difficult classes, your schedule. Also extracurricular activities, like NHS, lots of community service experience, taking part in clubs or sports, or even starting your own clubs. As well as having good relationships with teachers so that they can write a really good letter of recommendation.
Our process for letters of recommendation that students need from teachers or from counselors is that we have a letter of recommendation request form, and students fill that out and provide a lot of personal information and things about your personality, and how you see yourself, which will help your teacher or your counselor fill out the best possible letter of recommendation. We have tools and helpful tips that we can share with students to go through this process.
I know it might sound scary but it is possible to maintain both. But it does take a lot of determination so you have to be ready to prioritize both! But here are some key things you can follow, be organized, don't procrastinate, and even try to get your friends involved to stay motivated.
Q: How can I balance my school life with my sports life?
Q: When we will have bádminton and baseball?
For badminton, we actually already have a club every Monday after school. If you have any questions about it, you can ask Mr. Paige, who is in charge of that club!
For right now, sadly we do not have baseball as a plan for this semester. But I am sure you can suggest it to one of the P.E teachers if we will ever be able to have a team.
Q: When are we going to have a treasure hunt around the school?
It is in the works for an upcoming assembly!
Q: I’m having difficulty with procrastination. I always try to make my work (assignments) detailed and oriented and try my best for it to be “perfect” but my laziness always gets in the way and it takes me until the late afternoon to complete them. My grades aren’t necessarily bad, but I know I can do better and I think it is all because of my horrible procrastination. So the question is:
-What is it that I can do to develop self-control for my procrastination to not be as difficult to handle as it already is?
Before giving you tips, you have to realize that you are the only person that can make a change and take a move towards success, no one else can do it for you. It's okay to have procrastinated in the past, so forgive yourself and focus on changing that for the better. Firstly, you have to be willing to commit. It is useful to ask someone, such as a parent or sibling to check up on you to make sure you are doing your work and aren't procrastinating. It also helps to reduce distractions, so if there are electronics around, turn on the do not disturb or leave them in another room.